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Samanthapurdytextile Cross stitch designs by Samantha Purdy
All the latest news about Samanthapurdytextile, as published in Creative Poppy's newsletter.
>> see all cross stitch patterns designed by Samantha Purdy
Simple pleasures of life
We love the clean, minimalist and contemporary style of the young designer.
With Samantha Purdy, capture the authentic pleasures of life, in cross stitch:
... the pleasure of walking in the woods with a friend.
... the pleasure of warming your hands on a steaming hot cup of apple cider.
... the pleasure of cooking a pot of delicious home-made soup.
>> see more patterns by Samanthapurdytextile
Beloved Library
Designer Samantha Purdy continues to picture - in cross stitch - the simple joys of life. Like a visit to one's local library. What shall I be reading next? A world of possibilities beckons.
>> see all patterns related to Books & Literature (all designers)
Welcoming Samantha Purdy of Samanthapurdytextile
Creative Poppy is proud to introduce the works of Samantha Purdy, a young Canadian designer with a very modern and contemporary approach to cross stitching. Her designs stand out with their funny little characters, and minimalist style. Everything in Samantha Purdy designs seems to have been reduced its most simple form, yet if you look close, you will find plenty of amusing detail.
Take Samantha Purdy's characters. The main one is a little lady with a bun on her head. She's the one also featured in the Samanthapurdytextile iconic cup. You'll see this lady pottering around, watering plants, cleaning the house, baking cakes and getting snacks ready for guests. She's never far from her stove as she obviously loves cooking, as well as tending to her beloved plants.
Samantha Purdy's work revolves around the home. Little slices of life, simple joys: having a bath, raking leaves, having a cup of coffee, welcoming a friends, reading in bed. The cat is always around. Quilts hang on the wall, beds are covered with cosy eiderdowns, there's always some pot on the stove with no doubt some delicious slow cooking food.
Oh, the little pleasures of life like slipping into bed with a good book. Or getting yummy food ready for guests and family. Pictured right: Reading in Bed Counted cross stitch pattern by Samanthapurdytextile |
Cooking Potatoes Samanthapurdytextile | Ready to Bake Samanthapurdytextile | Preparing Snacks Samanthapurdytextile | Watering Plants Samanthapurdytextile |
School Bus Samanthapurdytextile | Bike Ride Samanthapurdytextile | Tug Boat Ride Samanthapurdytextile |
Pretty Little Things
Uncluttered design, beautiful in its simplicity, these ornaments sum up Samantha Purdy's great talent in designing contemporary cross stitch. Pictured right and below: Ornaments Counted cross stitch pattern by Samanthapurdytextile |
Watch a cross stitch chart materialize on canvas in this short video
How better to appreciate a pattern than to watch the cross stitches materialize on canvas?
View this 30 second video and watch cross stitches develop starting from a blank canvas. Pattern featured: Reading in Bed by Samantha Purdy.
Click on the image to view the video on You Tube:
This is Creative Poppy's first video in the Cross stitch in the Making series, showing real patterns from blank canvas to fully stitched.
Let us know if you like this format and we'll bring you some more!
All comments truly appreciated.
More patterns by Samantha Purdy
Samanthapurdytextile, now available as instant downloadable cross stitch patterns, on Creative Poppy's website.
There are more works by Samantha Purdy on Creative Poppy's website, and many more to be added soon.
>> see all cross stitch patterns designed by Samanthapurdytextile
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